Last updated 1/22/2025

Pre-reunion Events

Upcoming Events (Eastern time):

Mon Feb. 24 at 7 pm: Zoom: Classmate and State Senator Mike Barrett, will provide stories about the legislative process in Massachusetts crafting climate change policy.  Insights into “how the sausage is made” will be highlighted.

Wed Mar. 12th at 7pm:  Zoom.  Classmate David Blumenthal will discuss the American healthcare system including current status, dynamics at play, challenges, performance, issues to address, and possible pathways forward.

Thu Apr. 3rd at 7pm:  Zoom.  Harry Lewis '68 (husband of our classmate Marlyn McGrath) will provide a useful overview and assessment of the world of Artificial Intelligence, including discussions of capabilities, development trajectories, possibilities, risks, and dilemmas involved.

Past Events:

Recordings for Zoom sessions held to date are on this Past Events Page, which you can also reach at any time from the "Past Events" menu tab at the top of this page.  You must be logged in with your Harvard Key to see these pages.

55th Reunion - 6/4-6/2025 - Planning Underway

The reunion committee is diligently working to make our 55th reunion an event you will relish, find interesting, and remember!  Though many specifics are being negotiated and nailed down, they will include a cabaret night, two other evening events, the memorial service, and several symposia.  There will be ample time for relaxed conversation.  Events will begin at lunch on Wednesday June 4 and continue through dinner Friday evening June 6. Note that Harvard Alumni day is the 6th.

  • A hotel room block is being arranged.
  • We are planning several pre-reunion Zoom sessions like last time - information on those will be emailed and posted here..
  • We are endeavoring to keep the cost affordable, and as in the past will have some scholarship funds available.
  • Classmate Tom Carty is coordinating housing with local classmates - if you can host someone or want a place to stay, email him at 
  • Most communications will be sent via email - so please be sure Harvard has your latest contact information!.  (See below for details.)

More details will appear here and in your email inbox in coming weeks and months.

Compendium of Emails Sent

We now have an email compendium page that collects communications sent to you.  Quickly find any you missed or misplaced! 

EMAIL Messages

We are communicating almost exclusively by email for class-related messages.  Very little information will be sent via USMail anymore.  If you are not getting emails from us and want to be notified of class events, go to to provide us your email address.

Harvard Key - for Protected Pages

You need a "Harvard Key" account with ID and password in order to access many of the materials on this web site.  If you don't have one yet you will have to set one up.  If you have any difficulty at all setting yours up, or using the account you already have, or logging in to access the protected pages, please contact Harvard's help line at 617-495-7777.  They are very responsive.  You can also email David Siktberg '70 at if you have troubles.

52nd Reunion - 2022!


Our delayed 50th reunion brought over 300 classmates and spouses to Cambridge on June 16-19, 2022 for a long weekend of enjoyment, growth, entertainment, and good conversation.  Old friendships were renewed and new ones made.  Summary materials are being posted on this page over the next few weeks.  It currently has a link to a video of the Memorial Service video, a moving occasion.  (Other events were not recorded due to technical limitations.)   Whether you attended or not, these pages should be informative and useful.

Looking to the future, there was widespread support for continuing our Zoom sessions in coming months and years - stay tuned, and let us know if you have ideas for topics to cover!

Latest News

Links to Harvard Cultural Resources - Art Museums

The first in a series of links to Harvard cultural resources. This web page is rich with links to Harvard Art Museum on-line resources - conduct your own tour! Thanks to Ellen Messer.

"Our Next Chapter" eBook of classmate essays

44 classmates wrote essays on the topic of "Our Next Chapter" for the original reunion in 2020. These are included in this PDF eBook available for download. (Log in required.)

Results of the H-R '70 50TH Reunion Class Survey

Members of class of ‘70, you are invited to view the Class Survey Results by clicking on the headline.
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