Democracy Symposium #2 via Zoom - Tuesday 6/2 4:00 - 5:00 PM EDT

"On the Frontlines: Inequality in Action" with Ernie Wilson and John Powers

The session recording can be accessed here.

Classmate Ernie Wilson will lead a discussion on his  work with school kids from underserved communities like Compton and LA, and how the Covid school shut downs are disempowering poor Hispanic and African American kids, just at the moment of the eruptions over police violence against black people.  Moderated by classmate John Powers, the initial discussion will be followed by Q&A from attendees. 

This is the second in a series of discussions on democracy.  (A recording of the earlier session with David Riemer is available elsewhere on this website.)

Ernest J Wilson III - Bio

Ernie is the Director and Founder of the Center for Third Space Thinking at the University of Southern California’s Annenberg School, where he was dean between 2007 and 2017. He was a Fellow at the Stanford Center for Advanced Social and Behavioral Studies 2017-18, and launched a start up to provide soft skills to companies.  His articles on business strategies and talents have appeared in the Harvard Business Review, Fortune, Business and Strategy, INC and other publications, and he also serves on the faculty of the Jiao Tong University in Shanghai.  His current book draws on his experiences at the White House, Capitol Hill, NGOs, the intelligence community and many corporations. He is a member of the American Academy of Arts and Sciences.
His aim is to empower the powerless to speak powerfully, and to encourage the powerful to listen clearly.

Information about the center is available at new window

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